Disney’s Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is a fictional character from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch. A genetically engineered, extraterrestrial life-form … more
Disney’s Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is a fictional character from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch. A genetically engineered, extraterrestrial life-form resembling a blue koala, created by “evil genius” Dr. Jumba Jookiba to cause and create chaos around the galaxy. He is abnormally strong, virtually indestructible, super-intelligent and very mischievous. He is also the cutest and fluffiest alien ever. This is indeed a tremendous interpretation of the wacky impish rascal. For Disney’s Stitch friendship and “Ohana” family, means everything. Made in a limited edition of only 626 we are certain he will mean everything to you too.